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Memocast for OS/390
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a collection of utility programs and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for transmitting and receiving mainframe-based documents via e-mail
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an e-mail client that gives MVS 3270 terminal users access to Enterprise and Internet Open E-mail Systems
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adds access method interfaces, plus many REXX language extensions that greatly increase the functionality of the REXX language
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RTOR (REXX to RACF) is a development tool kit for building secure RACF and OS/390 Security Server applications through a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and templates
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expands the capabilities of REXX/VSE by giving you the ability to construct REXX applications which previously could only be written in assembler, COBOL, or PL/1
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create context-sensitive online help for any type of CICS application. It is extremely user-friendly by its design
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create interactive pop-up help windows and online application documentation for mainframe applications running under VTAM (IMS/DC, CICS, TSO, IDMS/DC, and others)
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