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FORUM for General discussion on VSE topics
Chiqid |
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Requests to the administrators/moderators of this FORUM to add catagories or products or to make corrections to the current entries
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Chiqid |
FORUMS for Programming Languages, Compilers, Libraries and Tools
Data Management
FORUMS for DB2, QMF ....
Communications and Networking
FORUM for VSE Communications Products.. CICS...VTAM...TCP
Tools and Utilities
FORUMS VSE Tools and Utilities in General
VSE/Interactive User Interface
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provides a unified interface with task-oriented menues and dialogs for users working at the VSE/ESA host
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Chiqid |
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FORUMS for Programming Languages, Compilers, Libraries and Tools
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Chiqid |
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Chiqid |
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VSE/POWER (Virtual Storage Extended/Priority Output Writers, Execution Processors and Input Readers) is the spooling system of VSE/ESA
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Chiqid |
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VSE/VSAM is an access method for the indexed or sequential processing of records on direct access devices. VSAM is the preferred file management system for VSE environments
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Chiqid |